Safe, convenient, cashless. The system works in agreement with the Administrator of the Paid Parking Zone. To be safe, always check if you’re permitted to pay for parking in a particular city or zone using the AnyPark app.
and run your errands in town without fear of being notified of an unpaid stop-over!
Before paying, always remember to make sure that the selected city and zone, car park matches your location and is included in the AnyPark service.
Remember, wherever you see the Pango logo in a paid-parking zone, it means you can park with AnyPark without any problem.
Go there to get your ticket. And then place the ticket behind the wind shield. Takes time! You do it faster! With AnyPark, you pay with your phone without a trip to a parking meter.
5 minutes until the ticket expires and the meeting is still going on. With AnyPark you can extend your parking time with one click.
Payment in advance or at the end of the month? With AnyPark, you can choose the payment method convenient for you.
Just click start/stop – like using a remote control. With AnyPark, you decide when you start and stop parking.
Make use of the premium feature to park even more easily.
You want to start parking each of them? No problem! With AnyPark you activate more than one parking period at the same time! One account = multiple cars = zero tickets!
Paying for parking with an app is just one of the many benefits of having the free AnyPark app. You can also purchase a special premium package for this app: AnyParkPlus – will even make you look for opportunities to park!
The service reports in real time on the status of parking spaces in your selected location. We search for you the streets providing a good chance of finding a free parking space.
The Find a Parking Space functionality is currently available in the following cities: Bydgoszcz, Gdańsk, Gdynia, Gliwice, Katowice, Kielce, Kraków, Łódź, Poznań, Rzeszów, Sopot, Szczecin, Warszawa, Wieliczka, Wrocław. We will keep you informed about the launch of the functionality in other cities.
Thanks to the Bluetooth connection, when you leave your parking space, the system will remind you to complete your parking payment. That way, you won't pay more than necessary.
You can easily find your car in the parking lot. The app will show you exactly where you left your car. All you have to do is key in the location of your car when you park.
This functionality allows you to download bulk invoices / payment confirmations straight from the app.
Allows you to manage a group of vehicles in terms of billing for parking. It also facilitates your entering time and geographical restrictions for a single car, as well as for entire groups.
The AnyParkPlus package can be purchased even if the AnyPark payment service is not available within a given zone or city. It is not possible to purchase individual functionalities of the AnyParkPlus package separately.
We will be delighted if you use the AnyParkPlus package. For the first month of downloading this package, you use all its features free of charge. Starting from 10.01.2025, after a month, the fee for use is PLN 9,99 (or PLN 9,99 +VAT for companies) per month per vehicle.
Do you see a BKF or Wwwash and immediately pull up? Yes! With AnyPark, you pay for your car wash quickly and conveniently with your phone. The map of car washes where you can pay by the application AnyPark is available within the AnyPark app.
Quickly! Polishing still waiting and the program is about to end. Take it easy! With AnyPark you pay cashless, so you always complete your program.
Do you want to wash your car more often, but never have any PLN 1, PLN 2, or PLN 5 coins? With AnyPark, you scan the QR code at the car wash and pay with your smartphone.
Every service is a different app and you're getting confused? It doesn't have to be this way! With AnyPark, you pay for your parking meter and car wash with one mobile app.
ul. Aleja "Solidarności" no. 117 apt. 207
00-140 Warsaw
Helpline: +48 222 - 700 - 100
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